Since its inception, the Congregation of the Good Shepherd has placed extremely high priority on spreading God’s love and doing God’s work through service and charitable giving. The COGS Service Committee, guided by a Mission Statement adopted in early 2008, is charged with collecting and distributing goods, organizing service trips, and communicating with and managing the many projects COGS supports.
Today, we serve many projects listed below. Most are multiple-year projects, and COGS members travel on several service trips each year to visit projects outside of Beijing. We invite you to get to know these projects, and to help us to continue and expand our support through donations of time, money, and goods.
In addition to the projects listed here, we also routinely organize collections of clothing, oil, rice, toiletries, and more, for local charities and schools in need.
Currently supported projects include:
Special Education school for mentally-challenged children
Bible School & Seminary in a central province
School for deaf children
Building churches in a south-western province
Organization that operates health, education, agricultural and economic programs
Home for orphaned children with medical needs
Organization that supports families affected by HIV
Training and support services for disadvantaged and vulnerable women